Census Date: A census date is a day when a specified count is made: In this application, it is the time during an academic term when a count of enrolled students is made for reporting. By definition, a census date must be arbitrary to some extent and must reflect the anticipated use of the statistics resulting from its application.
Centre of an Out-of-State College: Any operation in any state by an out-of-state college or university whose articles of incorporation are not as a domestic corporation in that state, when such operation includes offering one or more courses or educational programs in that state which carry college credit that may be applied toward a degree, whether the degree itself is awarded in that state or elsewhere.
Certificate: A formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program. (Source: IPEDS)
Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS): An award that normally requires 24 credit hours beyond a master’s program and does not require a dissertation. (IPEDS: Post Master’s certificate). The same institutional requirements may result in a specialist degree where a degree rather than a certificate is awarded. In the SCHEV integrated data base, students in certificate of advanced graduate study and specialist degree program are coded as having program levels of post-master.
Certificate of Exemption or License: means a document issued by an agency to an independent college, signifying that the college has demonstrated that it meets the statutorily prescribed criteria.
Certification Agencies: A certification agency that establishes operating standards for educational or professional institutions and programs. That agency determines the extent to which the standards are met, and publicly announces their findings. For faith based institutions that do not take government funds in the USA, excluding: 1. VA benefits in the USA and 2. Institutions with U.S.D.E. recognized accreditation.
Certification with the Council of Private Colleges of America, Inc.: includes quality peer review, certification visits, and verifying data, to CPCA standards for educational or professional institutions and programs which are similar to accreditation. For faith based institutions that do not take government funds in the USA, excluding: 1. VA benefits in the USA and 2. Institutions with U.S.D.E. recognized accreditation.
Chief Administrator: The principal administrative official responsible for the direction of all affairs and operations of a postsecondary educational institution or that component of an organization that conducts postsecondary education and may report to a governing board.
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code: Six-digit code that classifies instructional program. The purpose of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) is to provide a taxonomic scheme that will support the accurate tracking, assessment, and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity. CIP was originally developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in 1980, with revisions occurring in 1985 and 1990. The 2000 edition (CIP-2000) is the third revision of the taxonomy and presents an updated taxonomy of instructional program classifications and descriptions. http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/cip2000/.
Classification of Students
Freshman – A student enrolled in first year of college study (1-30 semester credits).
Sophomore – A student enrolled in second year of college study (31-60 semester credits).
Junior – A student enrolled in third year of college study (61-90 credits).
Senior – A student enrolled in fourth year of college study (91-120 semester credits).
Master – A student enrolled in graduate courses(s) after receiving a bachelor degree working toward a master or specialist degree.
Doctor – A student enrolled in graduate course(s) after receiving a master or specialist degree working toward a doctor degree.
Unclassified – A special student enrolled taking courses for credit but not identified in one of the above classifications.
College: Any educational entity which confers or offers to confer a degree or which furnishes or offers to furnish instruction leading toward, or prerequisite to, college credit or a degree beyond the secondary level. The term includes any independent college chartered in this state and any centre or branch campus of an out-of-state college.
Contact Hour: A unit of measure that represents an hour (50 minutes) of scheduled instruction given to students. In class contact hours with professor includes at an administration approved class session, live streaming, via Skype or similar live professor instruction.
Continuing Education Units (CEU’s): A statistic which represents ten contact hours of participation in an organized educational experience under responsible sponsorship, under capable direction, and qualified instruction. A decimal fraction of a unit may be awarded for an offering of shorter duration.
Correspondence: Method of instruction with students receiving structured units of information and accompanying material completely through the mail.
Council of Private Colleges of America: An agency which represents its private, faith based educational institutions before any individual, private or government educational organization. The CPCA is an educational association that provides experienced, educational, quality peer review of the following: faculty, academic curriculum, course development, web site, distance learning processes, campus operations, catalogs, brochures, advertisements, application forms, financial information, and student records and transcripts. CPCA requires affirmation of compliance with the academic excellence standards of the CPCA patterned after our early historical U.S educational institutions of higher learning. CPCA standards equal or exceed the minimum standards of many State Departments of Education. For faith based institutions that do not take government funds in the USA, excluding: 1. VA benefits in the USA and 2. Institutions with U.S.D.E. recognized accreditation.
Counseling Service: Activities designed to assist students in making plans and decisions related to their education, career, or personal development.
Credit: Recognition of attendance and/or performance in an instructional activity (course or program) that can be applied by a recipient to requirements for a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award at a given institution.
Credit Hour: A unit of measure that represents an hour of instruction (50 minutes) that can be applied to the total number of hours needed for completing the requirements of a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award. (Source: IPEDS).