Fair Practice Standards
  1. A faith-based postsecondary education degree granting institute, college, university or seminary domiciled in or operating in any state or country shall have the following published in its catalog and/or website and made available to each student prior to enrollment:
    1. Purpose and mission statement, its educational programs and curricula;
    2. Nondiscrimination policy stating that it accepts single male and female students or married male with female students without respect to age, color, race, or national origin;
    3. Clear and specific policy regarding the transferability of credits to and from other postsecondary education Institutions.
    4. Written refund policy stating that an enrolled student may receive a full refund of paid tuition only if the student notifies the institution within 10 business days, or less, after the date upon which the first payment receipt is issued by the institution.
    5. All other fees and charges must be listed separately in nonrefundable section;
    6. Clear statements about financial assistance and obligations for repayment (if any);
    7. Employment assistance that refrains from promising or implying employment guarantees (if any);
    8. Procedures for handling student complaints, disciplinary actions, and appeals (if any);
    9. And ensure that all advertisements are accurate and not misleading.
  2. A faith-based postsecondary education degree granting institute, college, university or seminary domiciled in or operating in any state or country shall include a disclaimer on its publications and Internet website if the institution is accredited by an agency that is not recognized by the United States Department of Education.
  3. A faith-based postsecondary education degree granting institute, college, university or seminary domiciled in or operating in any state or country will not use an accrediting agency not recognized by the United States Department of Education unless it publishes a disclaimer on its web site, documents, and promotion material that it is not recognized by the U.S.D.E.
  4. A faith-based postsecondary education degree granting institute, college, university or seminary domiciled in or operating in any state or country that issues any license for the purpose of counseling, or preaching, will include a disclaimer stating that the license is an ecclesiastical license and not a state-issued or government-issued license.
  5. Non-degree certificates that are non-transferable to degree programs issued by faith-based postsecondary education degree granting institute, college, university, seminary, ecclesiastical organization or business entities domiciled in or operating in any state or country are exempt from the provisions of any state or country statutes pertaining to degree granting institutions.
  6. A faith-based postsecondary education degree granting institute, college, university or seminary domiciled in or operating in any state or country will comply with applicable state or country statutes.
  7. Any individual, institute, college, university, seminary, ecclesiastical organization or business entity domiciled in or operating in any state or country that offers sales and marketing of franchises, branches, degrees, honorary degrees, licenses, or certified certificates for individuals, institutes, colleges, universities, seminaries, or ecclesiastical organizations will comply with regulations under the appropriate state or country requirements for Business and Professional Regulations.
  8. A faith-based postsecondary education degree granting institute, college, university or seminary domiciled in or operating in any state or country shall provide documentation demonstrating compliance when requested by the CPCA.