History of CPCA Certification


CPCACC Certification Commission History

The Council of Private Colleges of America (CPCA) has historical roots in the work done by founder Dr. Earle and others in the early 1980s to the present day. The CPCA is officially incorporated as a Florida nonprofit corporation. The CPCA outreach continues to this day. They were established in response to leaders of degree granting faith-based institutions in the USA seeking an ethical educational association. The CPCA’s purpose was to create a CPCA Certification process.

1993 CPCA Certification initiated.
1996-2010 Review and evaluation of certification study conducted.
2010 21st Century CPCA Certification process.
2021 CPCA Certification Commission created with its own corporation, board members, website, and certification process under the Commission.

The CPCACC currently is the only educational association that has developed a CPCACC Certification Commission with a certification process comparable to USDE recognized Accrediting Agencies’ academic and administrative standards for faith-based institutions. The CPCACC Certification Commission welcomes and invites faith-based institutions to examine the benefits of their institution’s legacy of excellence in Christus Primum education.

The CPCACC Certification Commission process excludes the massive USDE accreditation extreme financial requirements pertaining to receiving US government grants, loans, and Title IV funds. Consequently, CPCACC Certification Commission certified institutions can totally offer Bible integrated courses and degrees at an extremely reduced financial cost to the student. The CPCACC Certification Commission process recognizes faith based economic principles of operation.

CPCACC Certification Commission members understand that faith-based institutions receiving Federal or State Government grants, loans, or Title IV Funds in the USA are subject to the demands tied to such funding. Logically, “Whoever pays the piper has a right to call the tune.” The CPCACC Certification Commission will NEVER require a CPCACC member institution to teach contrary to their Biblical doctrinal positions. NEVER means NEVER!

The CPCACC Certification Commission certification process provides a standard for academic and administrative excellence that sets apart CPCACC Certification Commission members from the plethora of accreditation mills not recognized by USDE CHEA.

This fact is important for faith-based institutions that do not take US government grants, loans, and Title IV funds. Faith based institutions seeking accreditation from the plethora of non-recognized by USDE CHEA accreditation mills believe that it legitimizes them, but it misleads the educational consumer. REMEMBER, CPCACC Certification Commission faith-based institutions strive to, “Keep the Lord’s Testimony above Reproach!”

Faith-based CPCACC Certification Commission Member institutions should consider the additional benefits of seeking CPCACC Certification Commission certification to feature their legacy of Christus Primum academic and administrative standards comparable to USDE recognized Accrediting Agencies.