Maintaining Certification

Maintaining Certification

The CPCACC Certification Commission requires certified institutions to maintain their membership in the FCPC or the CPCA and proactively maintain the standards of CPCACC Certification.

CANDIDATE, INSTITUTIONAL, COMPREHENSIVE and ADVANCED Certified institutions are required to submit an annual report to the CPCACC Certification Commission that confirms the institution’s compliance with CPCACC Certification.

Some certified institutions are also required to complete a focused self-study on a specific area of certification. The CPCACC Certification Commission then schedules a specific area focus-visit to verify the information provided in the self-study.

CPCACC Certification is awarded for a specified period of time. At the end of the CANDIDATE, INSTITUTIONAL, COMPREHENSIVE and ADVANCED certified period, the institution must renew its certification by completing a renewal self-study followed by a site-visit.